Sep 18Liked by Demosthenes of Hertfordshire

Agreed on all counts. To see just how bad BBC bias really is, all you have to do is examine the report by Trevor Asserson. The bias is endemic and it’s quite obvious when you know what you’re looking at or hearing. I cancelled my TV Licence years ago because I cannot abide the bias and woke propaganda woven into the fabric of everything from news and current affairs to classical music.

The BBC deserves to die not because of the bias, though, but because of its serial harbouring and tolerance of child abusers who have been given safe haven by an organisation that deserves to be damned for eternity for its actions with respect to Jimmy Savile alone. That it has exhibited the same contempt for the law repeatedly even since the Savile allegations came to light is a scandal of monumental proportions that should see the entire institution shut down for good, never to rise again for how it has had a hand in the physical and sexual abuse of children and the deliberate covering up of criminals known to the management. Nothing short of complete and utter destruction of the BBC will suffice for the crimes it has had knowledge of and actively engaged in hiding.


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Completely agree.

I too cancelled my TV licence four years ago; they still send vaguely threatening letters every year or so reminding me that (unlike dear Huw) I can be imprisoned for watching the BBC without a licence.

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Same here cancelled in 2020, just filled in another not watching live TV declaration for this awful Bias money pot. Not had any threatening letters thankfully.

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'Tragically, they cannot see their own bias'

Oh, I think they can.

I respectfully suggest they believe their pov is the 'correct' sort of bias.




They have bought increasingly and completely into the world view as described by the Labour Party (Andrew Neather) as a policy devised to 'rub the Right's nose in diversity'.

This policy is anti-capitalism, anti-Western democracy, anti nation-state and effectively Marxist.

The Muslim problem is not a problem, it's a means to an end, as is the legal and illegal immigration issue.

Four legs good - two legs better.

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Where I hail from, we used to let the victim's family maim or beat the child rapist to death with staves.

They claim jurisprudence has evolved since then, but I'm not so sure.

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