Speaking almost, as another atheist, oxymoronically - God help us.

Great piece of writing.

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Former Financier with hidden wealth in tax heavens seeks to be the wolf in sheep’s clothing. Wants more Islamic invasion of Britain while churches are being set on fire and some being sold to Islam to be destroyed and mosques built. He is the epitome of evil.

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Welby and his bishops seem to misunderstand the parable of the good Samaritan. The virtue signaling Pharisee who turns away from the victim of crime is not the role model.

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I don’t have ‘god’ in the fight! Nevertheless, Welby is a twunt!

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Excellent article. Very informative.

The current position of the British establishment is that the population they claim to serve are by passively sharing an opinion more an incitement to violence than their own radical, non-consensual transformation of that same populations demographic.

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